Friday, January 29, 2010

Story of a girl

Let me tell you a story of a stupid girl who locked herself outside of her hostel room....
one evening, the girl went to the pantry to wash something.she went out without taking her room keys.she accidentally locked the room door even though she was not supposed to do that.when she came back, she couldn't open the door.cursing herself, she went back to the pantry and sit, hoping tat her roomate will come back soon..her room mate came back in 5 mins times.and guess what??her roomate left her key in the room too. at last the girl and the roomate had to wait outside for helf and hour for the guard to finally open the door...and now the girl and her roomate go everywhere with their key...THE END...:-)


  1. ah ya .. same like sc , i confirm tat girl is YOU !!

  2. hehe...may jiuan, jing wei and shiow chi, smart smart smart!!!hehe.....
