Thursday, May 27, 2010


should there a bill of rights in australian constiution???
tis was the chapter for our debate was a fun and exciting debate, filled wif 'OBJECTION!!'
i was in the team tat supported the motion together wif poh pin,lee wei and stella while the opposition team was chrisitine, wei hao,tee and yves. we were dressed in white, while they in black...i was so nerovus tat i could not even form proper sentences^^
the opposition put up a veli gud fight. it was so hard to win over what they said. even miss meerah was impressed.hehehe....
it was a new experiece for me, as tis is the first time i went to court. i reali hope we can do it again:-)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

step by step, one at a time~~

life juz seems to pass so fast....i reali wish i can take life slowly sometimes, to not worry everything that comes my way....i do not want to keep everything pent up in my heart, sometimes i juz wish i can shout out loud, and throw away all the misery...
Life, plz be fair to me....